promote public safety and enhance resiliency of the government’s systems and networks.
The White House has identified cybersecurity as one of the most serious economic and national security challenges facing the US. An executive order and presidential policy directive to Homeland Security has asked industry or directed agencies that immediate steps be taken to adequately defend critical information and communications infrastructure. Federal agencies are focusing on implementing the Administration’s three cybersecurity priorities established recently:
♦ Continuous Monitoring
♦ Trusted Internet Connection capabilities and traffic consolidation
♦ Strong authentication using HSPD-12 Personal Identity Verification cards for logical access.
Meanwhile, GAO continues to find weaknesses in information security policies and practices at major federal agencies which can place the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information and information systems at risk. Consistent with this risk, reports of security incidents from federal agencies are on the rise, increasing over 650 percent over the past five years. An underlying reason for these weaknesses is that agencies have not fully implemented their information security programs. As a result, they have limited assurance that controls are in place and operating as intended to protect their information resources, thereby leaving them vulnerable to attack or compromise. The most likely reason for this gap is a lack of skilled staff and technological infrastructure optimized to link business operations and security policies.
intiGrow’s Solutions and Services
intiGrow is a “GSA Schedule 70 Contract Holder” With intiGrow security experts and analysts you can now obtain a wide range of skills and expertise. We can help you assess your agency’s information security and risk management practices and provide recommendations on the change of policies and strategies in order to significantly improve security posture. Our security practices and methodologies are based on FISMA & NIST guidelines and industry best practices. intiGrow architects and developers are experienced in designing security solutions across complex IT platforms and applications which help in not only meeting the agency’s compliance needs but also ensure overall security of critical digital assets.
intiGrow security services include:
♦ Identity and Access Management
♦ HSPD 12
♦ PIV I and PIV II
♦ Situational Awareness
♦ Autolog Management
♦ Auto STIG checks
♦ Vulnerability Management
♦ Security Analytics & Intelligence
♦ Network Forensics
♦ IDS & Penetration Testing
♦ Continuous Monitoring
♦ Data Loss Prevention
♦ Governance, Risk, and Compliance
♦ FISMA & DIACAP Services
♦ Assessment of Controls
♦ Risk Assessment & Mitigation
♦ Compliance Management
ISO 27001 Certification
♦ Mobile Security
♦ Voice & Text Encryption
♦ Mobile Device Management
♦ Strong Authentication and Transaction Signing
♦ Cloud Security
♦ Virtualization
These priorities enable Federal agency’s requirements to identity who is on their networks, what is on their networks, when network security posture changes, and what is entering and existing on their networks. The FY 2012 FISMA metrics issued by the Department of Homeland Security established minimum and target levels of performance for these priorities, as well as metrics for other key performance areas.